Why do you seo

Why do you need SEO?

There have been many discussions about SEO, does your site really need SEO and is it dead? I can tell you it is not. With all the competition out there, you have more reason to work on SEO. In this article we name 10 reasons why you need SEO. 

10 reasons for SEO on your website

After this list, you won’t doubt any longer, and you will see that SEO is a major factor in ranking high in Google (other search engines). Especially, when you are in a competitive market. 

Reason 1: You want Google to find your Webpage

You want your website to be found in Google. If your competitors hire a SEO to rank their websites, they are keyword wise and technically one or more steps ahead of you. Google has factors that weight the importance of your website, if the content of your website and your technical website aspects are not SEO-friendly, your audience can’t find the website in the first place. 

You might be lucky and be one of the few ranking by luck, just because there is no competition yet. However, this is not guaranteed as your new competitors might have a good SEO on board that will outrank you. Just domain age and site authority won’t get you on top of Google anymore, it is a combination of several aspects that will be indicated below.

easy navigation SEO

Reason 2: Easy Navigation

Easy navigation on your website is important. You want your customers to find what they are looking for just within a few clicks. Menu’s and tables should be clear in structure and provide an overview of what your company is offering. 

Less is more, do not over complicate the amount of clickable links. Create a clear structure and put your high value and convertible pages first. 

Reason 3: Answer your audience

With a completely optimized website, your audience can find your website. Programs like Google Analytics will help you reveal the type of visitors coming to your website. Google Analytics you can install for free. They will provide you will a tracking code that you can add to your website.

Google Analytics can reveal the age, gender and the interests of your audience. You can explore what device most of your customers use to visit your site and if you have more new customers or returning customers. Furthermore, with SEO you can tell which keywords people are looking for on a specific location and language, this can be discovered with keyword programs like Keyword Finder and Ahrefs.

Do not miss out on these ranking opportunities and get yourself some SEO training with us and start today with your own website analytics, in order to further understand your audience. 

Maybe the audience that you are targeting is not the actual audience that you are attracting to your website, and there might be keywords they are looking for that you did not have in mind. More reasons why you need SEO. 

Reason 4: Know what people are looking for

As mentioned before, it is a true must to understand what people are looking for. Sometimes it even acquires to change the way you present your product slightly in order to hit the right target. When you know what people are looking for in the different search engines, you can adjust your keywords and style of language. 

Make sure each article has a main keyword and at least one supporting keyword. Search for long-tail keywords (less volume keywords, with medium search volume and lower competition) and gaps in the market. If you are targeting a high-search volume keywords, you might have to get some big budgets ready, but also confidence is a great thing. I believe you can achieve whatever you want, if you have a vision in mind. Just know that with each vision and plan you need a proper forecasting plan. 

Website speed SEO

Reason 5: Fast website speed

Missing out on customers is the worst. Do not lose them before they even open your website, therefore it is extremely important to have a fast loading website.

Get yourself a SEO web developer or a technical SEO that can help you find the fastest webhost for the website you have and optimize all images, documents etc. that your website contains.

Slow website = losing customers & rankings.

Check your site speed here.

Reason 6: You create valuable content

Ideas keep flowing to your mind and it is endless, but your ideas are nowhere to be found and you want people to read what you have to offer.

Work with SEO programs like SEMrush, Keyword Finder or Ahrefs to find the right keywords. It provides you with an idea what people exactly are looking for in your country. If you do not want to work with a paid program you can always have a look at Answerthepublic.

Position your keywords in a strategic manner like in the SEO title and H1 and make sure that you combine your creativity with your keyword research. 

Reason 7: Create your SEO strategies and give it time

Set up a strategy for your website. What is the content you want to publish? What would you like to achieve in 6 months’ time and what are the keywords you would like to rank for? 

With a few exceptions here and there, SEO is more of a long-term strategy. Google might or might not pick up on your content right away, therefore, it is important to let it sink it and wait and have fate. If your strategy is not working out as you wish it would go, see it as a research that you have done, and you won’t use it next time. Failure doesn’t exist as it brings you one step closer to your perfect strategy.

Visualize what you want to achieve, create a detailed and valuable plan and achieve it! 

Reason 8: Love what you do, and do what you love!

Whether you want to do the SEO yourself or you decide to get yourself an SEO, you need to love what you publish. Spend time on your website, even though it is not what you are publishing. It would be such a waste to have to give up your dreams, just because clients can’t find you! 

Reason 9: SEO is ongoing, ever evolving

Do not think that you are done with SEO, once you have hired an agency or SEO one time. You need constant check-ups as Google changes its algorithms quite often. So, your content might not be up to date anymore and you need to renew it, remove it or merge it. 

New strategies are necessary as time brings innovation and inventions to the search engines. Google is becoming smarter and smarter at discovering “bad” and “black-hat” websites, therefore, make sure that you keep it clean, creative and SEO optimized. 

Reason 10: Become a SEO Guru yourself

Are you a curious person and would like to know about new SEO updates and algorithms? Then SEO is something you could learn yourself. There are plenty of websites out there that can help you become a real SEO Guru, which can help you find out why you need SEO. 

You could do a SEO training with us SEO Content Paradise, which helps beginners get an understanding in SEO. keeping it simple. We love to keep it simple and effective, so you can become the SEO guru that you wish to be. 
Instead of doing a training, if you have time and patience, please read around the internet and become an expert through SEO articles, Youtube and more. 

Why do you need SEO? Conclusion

If you are not convinced after these 10 steps. You can always send us an email, and we can explain you a little bit more why you would need it. Contact us and get a free quick scan on your web pages, we will point out the improvements, and if that seems worth your money then we can talk more. 

Understand that it is a real jungle out there and SEO won’t always bring you results right away, which you would have with Marketing and Advertisement campaigns. SEO is detail-oriented, while seeing the big picture. It is about patience and finding a gap in your market and take the moment when you see it! SEO is a true combination of Marketing, Content, Development, Research and Advertisement. It is diverse and fun and contains a lot of reading and investigating. What not to love! 

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