Life Styleblogger

How to become a lifestyle blogger

“Living the dream,” is what most people think when they think about becoming a lifestyle blogger. You get products and services for free and you can even become famous by being a lifestyle blogger. 

The following question rises, do you have what it takes? It is often easier said than done, especially now there are so many lifestyle bloggers out there. How do you distinguish yourself from others? 

Tip 2: Get yourself a good camera (course)

In order to blow your followers away, you need to have a good camera. Depending on what kind of blog you are advertising, but you need to know how to make pictures on the spot. You either have great design skills and you bring your smartphone along or you know how to run a professional camera. 

Creativity is something that you must use in order to make your website and Social Media look representable. If you feel like you do not have enough creativity, don’t worry about it. Get your pencils and colors out and create some art, that will get the juice flowing. 

Tip 3: Take the spotlight

When we say take the spotlight, we do not mean it in an arrogant way. Take the spotlight as in be confident in your skills and show that to your audience. 

The followers are looking for inspiration and someone to look up to. If you are not owning your skills, you come across as if you are doubting, would you follow yourself in that case?

Practice your communication and writing skills and see the whole project as a piece of art. What would you like to bring to your audience? 

Furthermore, you could be invited to several events if you reach a certain status of fame. Be yourself and shine as the personality you are and be that lifestyle blogger. 

blogger in spotlight

Tip 4: Be different and unique

If you for example decide to be a cooking mom with a blog and vlog, how will you differentiate yourself from all the other cooking moms who have an online presence. What is the little extra you are bringing on board, what makes you THE new lifestyle blogger?

Try to be your absolute self and being a little goofy or different can bring you higher on the ladder. What are your scars and weaknesses that you have always been afraid to share? People are usually choosing to follow people they can relate to, if you have nothing to relate to it is hard for the audience to get to know you. 

Bring that little extra on the table and do not be afraid to be vulnerable about yourself. Vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness.

Social Media Skills

Tip 5: Get yourself SEO, Content and Social Media Skills

Getting your SEO, content and Social Media skills on top of the game is essential. You want people to find your website in Google. Write several blogposts on subjects that people are looking for. Use programs like Ahrefs, Semrush to find out the keywords or use one of the free tools like Answerthepublic and Keyword Tool.

Besides that, train your writing skills or get some help from a SEO Content Agency. 
On Social Media make sure you post things that do not damage yourself or other people.

Stay positive and do not gossip about your competitors, unless negative attention is your strategy. However, as a mindful agency, we recommend you to keep the messages positive, bright and vulnerable. Be the happy lifestyle blogger that people are looking for and show your uniqueness. 

Tip 6: Stay consistent

Getting fame and a huge audience does not happen overnight, unless you have a huge budget. Still the audience has to get used to your personality and get to know you. 

Do not give up just because you do not have the number of followers you want right away. Be grateful for every single person that decides to take a chance on you, and before you know it you have a huge growth. Try to post blogs and vlogs every week in order to keep the attention of your audience. Lifestyle blogging means keeping updates quite often as you are presenting your own life online. 

Try to go with trends and provide new tips accordingly. Be ahead of time and read into things so you can be one of the first providing some information, which gives you an advantage on Google (or other search engines). 

Tip 7: Most important: Believe in yourself!

Believe in the product (even if that is you) and yourself, do not be hesitant bringing it forward. If you have a talent or skill that brings something positive to the world, you do everyone a favor. You might think it is stupid or not valued, but do not think that way. There will always be a person that is looking for the skill that you have to provide. 

Present the skills that are close to your heart’s desire, otherwise you might not be as convinced, and the photos and videos look staged. 
We believe you can do anything you put your mind into, now it is time for you to believe the same! 

It is time to fly and become a lifestyle blogger

Now it is time to fly into the worldwide web and get your name out there. Do not hesitate one more second if becoming a lifestyle blogger has been an urge for a while. We encourage everyone to follow their breadcrumbs into their life purpose.

Not only are we a SEO and Content Agency, but we are also experts on the field of mindfulness. Therefore, stay mindful, be present, be you and be insanely amazing! 

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