Content Fun

How to be content about content?

Writing content is a true art, as you entertain your audience by writing engaging text. You will have to find the right way to bring your message, but how can you do that?

See here the 7 tips we provide you for you to be content about your content. 

Tips to Be content with your content

We created a checklist for you in order to deliver the best content possible. When you are writing your content, keep these several factors in mind as stated below: 

Tip 1: Who is your target audience?

Before you start writing your content, you need know who your audience is. What is your website trying to achieve and what is the content for? Check out the analytics of your website in order to decide what the best approach is towards your audience.

Google Analytics is a great tool to define your target audience, as it indicates your target audience’s segments and interests. Another way to find out your audience is to place a small survey or poll on your website to discover what your audience is truly about.

Each target segment has different behaviors and expects distinctive results from your content. What is your target audience is exactly looking for and how do you bring that forward in your text? 


Target audience SEO

Tip 2: How to engage the defined audience?

Now you have defined your audience, it is time to engage them and answer their queries. What are they looking for and how can you bring their answer forward as soon as possible? Write the content in such a way that your message is clear straight away. Give the audience a summary what you are going to talk about in your content, so you audience knows what to expect. 

Think about how you will visualize your content. Will the text speak for itself of will you add some images to clarify your content? Make sure you keep them on your page for a higher average time and a lower bounce rate.

The bounce rate is indicated in Google Analytics and basically indicates how fast someone bounces out of your page, when they open it. If they leave your page immediately, you did not give the proper answer to the customer’s query. Another option could be that your customer is converting into buying your product or service, but in that case the customer would stay on your website and that would be an advantage as well. 

Tip 3: Find an appropriate writing style

Keep your writing style with your audience in mind and the way you will engage them. If your target audience is 60+, you should use a more professional and formal way of writing. When your audience is below 25 years old, you could use a more informal and relaxed way of writing. 

Within the age categories you will have things like gender (neutral), hobbies and search queries. 

In most cases you want some of your customers to return, so make your first impression a lasting one. 

writingstyle SEO

Tip 4: Choose your content keywords

We can’t say enough how important it is to do your keyword research. You can write an insanely good story, that will blow everyone’s mind away. But if there is no person that can find your website, there is no audience to impress. 

If you do not want to install a payed program to do your keyword research, there are plenty of other options. Even if you go to Google, and you type in your request, Google is showing some of their results right way. Those are direct suggestions for keywords suggestions from Google. There are other free extensions like Keywords Everywhere and free programs like Answer the Public and Keyword Planner. 

Place the keywords in SEO friendly and strategic ways in your content. If you need some help with that do not hesitate to contact us and we can do the keyword research for you. 

SEO Content Magic

Tip 5: Write clear and structured content

Structure and clear paragraphs are necessary, so it is easier for your website visitors to read your content. Check your mobile phone and see if your content is easy to read and follow. Break up the content with some images and use a clear structure of your headers H1 followed by H2, H3 and (if necessary) H4.

Add the keywords to your content just enough, for Google to understand what your content is about. How else can you be content about your content? Try not to start al your sentences with “me” and “I.” Diversify with how you start your paragraphs and get yourself a spelling check. 

Tip 6: Do not get off-topic

There is so much to tell, but make sure you keep it short and clear. Google loves a long article, however, that should be full of valuable and direct to the point information. You can just fill up the pages with text in order to rank. This might help you to get a higher position, however, if you can’t engage your audience into converting into your product there is little value. 

Your bounce rate might go down and Google will eventually see that your customers do not see value in your pages. Use a lot of checklists, tables and useful tips, so that even without reading your whole content, the reader knows what you are talking about. Not everyone has the time to go through all your content. Make it clear, structured, audience-based, keyword based with the proper writing style, and you are rocking this! 

Tip 7: Choose the right launching time

Take the schedule of your target audience in mind. When would be the best time to launch something? Is your target group out on Friday evenings, then maybe it would be the best to launch your content during the week. 

Stay consistent and post new content on a weekly or monthly basis. Quality is always valued over quantity, however, if you want to keep your audience and target returning customers, it is best to post more often.

How content are you about the article?

How to be content about your content? We hope that we provided you with some valuable tips on how to write content. If you struggle with writing in general we recommend you to read our article about “how to get over a writer’s block.” 

Our goal with SEO Content Paradise is to help you spread the message and have a valuable part in the world community of changemakers. 
You can always contact us for a Keyword Research Training or a SEO Training for Beginners. Whatever works for you, keep reading our tips on how to stand out from the crowd. 

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