overcome a writer's block

How to get over a writer's block?

Deadlines are coming up; time is passing by and nothing has been written on your paper. As SEO Content writers we all know your pain. A writer’s block is not easy to overcome, but certainly not impossible.

You do not have to look at your empty paper no longer, just want to get into a state of “flow” in which creativity and words have endless possibilities. We have gathered 5 tips for you to overcome your writers block

Tips on how to overcome a writer's block

SEO Content Paradise gathered some tips for you to overcome your writer’s block. In life not always everything flows as we want it to be, but let’s go a bit deeper into the problem of your writer’s block. 

Tip 1: What is your fear?

Why aren’t you getting the words on paper? Are you afraid someone is going to judge you on your work? Or that you make mistakes. We truly feel you, but isn’t making mistakes human? And who knows everyone loves your work and you are missing out on your chance to show it to the world. 

Own your fear, share it with the people around you and you will see that a lot of people have insecurities about different areas. But think about how you would feel if you would just overcome the fear of writing.

Just start somewhere and see where it leads you. Imagine that you are just writing for yourself…. how would you write the story?  And what effect do you want to create for yourself while reading it. Hope step 1 helped you with your writer’s block, now it is time for step 2! 

Tip 2: Is this the right path?

You feel completely blocked, and you do not know how to continue? Maybe you are looking at it from the wrong perspective. Could it be that you are blocked, because you are meant to write about something else? 

When there are too many thoughts and your mind keep telling you what you “have to” do, there are too many disturbances on your road ahead. Like this, the story that you want to tell can’t find its way. 

Tip 3: Make a mind map

The next natural step is to make a mind map. Write down all keywords that come to your mind of any subject. It should not have a timeline on when this needs to be done, you can just wake up, write down some words and continue your day until you are satisfied with the number of keywords that you have written/ typed down. 

The next step of the mind map is to connect all the keywords that you have written down and bring it into one concept. You will be surprised what brainstorming might do. Not always does the whole concept come to you in 1 go. Writing is a process which reveals its way bit by bit and soon your writer’s block will be history. 

Mindmap Writer

Tip 4: Work from different environments

Getting stuck in the same working environment that did not inspire you in the first place, is not a good idea. Your brain might create a memory of a place in which you do not know how to move on. In order to avoid this, you can work from different places like coffee shops, restaurants, WIFI parcs or any place that makes you feel comfortable. 

If it is not possible to work from different places, try to sit in a different spot at work or have a walk outside, get your head cleared and go back. People take holidays for the exact same reason, just to be in a place to switch environments and experience new things.

Mostly, when you let go and you come back from your holiday a great idea pops into your mind. Be ready for that! 

Allow yourself writer

Tip 5: Allow and let go for a moment

Last and most important step is to understand that always pressuring yourself is not going anywhere, you need to learn how to allow yourself to receive information. As a SEO writing & Mindfulness specialist, it is of true essence that we learn how to listen to our body. 

Not to force yourself to write something, but to listen to your body and feel when it is the right time to put something on paper. Your body tells you exactly when it is the right time and we need to create space for words. Writing is an art, a form of research and expression, depending on what you write. Meditate and spend time away and you will be surprised how many ideas come through. 

Allow yourself to receive and take a break for laughter, you will be surprised how well your writing skills increase. If one day your inspiration is not there, just let it go for a moment and your writer’s block might just be a temporary thing. 

Your writer's block is not a condition it is temporarily!

Do not condition yourself with things like:” I am not creative,” “I do not have any inspiration.” Instead, let it go for a moment and believe that you are inspirational. Do you see any written laws about how to write? No there is just something like correct grammar and spelling, there is no rules that say what you can or cannot write about. 

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